Zing Cases Blog — tech review

First home devices for Apple’s HomeKit

Apple’s HomeKit is finally starting to roll out in America to actual consumers, via the first crop of HomeKit-enabled accessories...

LG 4G – ZingTech Review

LG has been chasing in terms of smart phones compared to Samsung in the Android market for years. Each time...

Do you know these iPhone Tricks?

Have you ever read your iPhone or iPad user manual and guide? Chances are more people were so excited when...

ZingTech: 10 Whatsapp Tricks You Need To Know

Whatsapp is consistently rolling out updates like they're oranges, however within each update is a new trick that we all...

ZingTech: YotaPhone 2

So we have some news for you... The YotaPhone 2 gets a new colour and it’s white. The YotaPhone 2,...

ZingTech Review: Sony Xperia Z4

The anticipation has been killing us all! We've been waiting and waiting to see and grab our hands on the...

ZingTech: Apple iOS 8.3 Review

Two weeks ago, Apple released another major iOS update in the form of iOS 8.3. The update delivers tons of...

Microsoft Lumia 640 & 640XL - For Under £250!

Before you double take, yes you read it right. Microsoft have recently released the Lumia 640 and 640 XL and...